REL Acoustics T/9x Subwoofer

HKD 16,800.00




REL Acoustics T/9x 性能全面提升,重低音喇叭,10 英吋(約 25.4 公分)前發射驅動器,箭頭無線端口,高光澤黑色,精美設計融入居家生活 REL Acoustics 由 Richard Lord 先生所創辦,公司以打造世界最好的超低音系統為目標,這次推出全新的系列中的大哥大T/9x,有源超低音喇叭。為原來的 T 系列後繼型號,除了輸出更為強勁,同時採用了全新開發的複合式單元,讓聲音表現更快速及精準清晰。 T/9x 所採用的全新十寸 FabreAlloy 振膜單元,由纖維 / 合金複合式材質製作,兼具輕質量、良好阻尼特性與高剛性特性。 為了完美駕馭這顆新單元,T/9x具備大電流供應能力的 A/B 類放大模組,內部利用 MOSFET 作放大,加上一隻環形變壓牛,連續輸出功率約 300W,為 T/9x 提供源源不絕的驅動力。 音箱方面,承繼了上一代無源輻射式箱體設計,十寸低音單元由放大器驅動並向正面發聲,至於同樣為十寸的無源輻射則向下發聲,讓 T/9x 同時獲得反射式音箱的豐沛低頻量感以及密閉式音箱的乾淨快速等優點。 輸入豐富向來是REL Acoustics 超低音的賣點之一,當中除了招牌的高電平 Neutrik Speakon 輸入、低電平 RCA 輸入,及 LFE RCA 輸入外,為了方便接線困難的用戶,廠方更額外提供了可自由選配的 Arrow 無線傳輸器。 REL Acoustics 向來以打造世界最好的超低音系統為目標,創辦人 Richard Lord 先生對於超低音品質的執著可謂眾所周知,這次推出的 T/x 系列專門為那些對低音品質有要求,但預算有限的用戶而設。 Serie T/x is instantly seen as crisper, fresher, a full upgrade . Our goals were not simply to improve upon its illustrious predecessor, but to deliver as much as possible of our latest Serie S on a budget. Faster, more transparent sounding system performance awaits you with higher output levels and even greater impact.



● 體驗最獲獎的高端低音炮品牌 REL Acoustics,藝術家期望的家庭影院和音樂。 T/9x 以美味奢華天然低音、高品質結構和華麗的表面處理,豐富適度的系統。 採用高品質長擲驅動器和強大、可靠的放大器。 通過增強的空間分辨率,使音樂和電影聲音更自然。 增加音場深度和影像,帶來真正高端體驗。
● 最強大的 T/x 重低音喇叭。 適用於立體聲或家庭影院系統。 可搭配任何系統。 100-400 平方英尺的房間使用一個 T9i 或一對立體聲,適用於 400 平方英尺(約 400 平方公尺)以上的房間。 腳
● 箭頭無線相容,前發射 10 吋長拋鋼底盤驅動器,10 吋(約 25.4 公分)下發射被動驅動器,300 瓦 A/B 類擴大機,附高階 Neutrik Speakon,低階單RCA和.1/LFE RCA 輸入,-6dB @ 28Hz 房間頻率響應。
● 無需組裝。 隨附手動、電源線和 10 公尺(33 英尺)高級喇叭連接器
● 前方一顆10″主動式低音單體,FibreAlloy™纖維合金,長衝程,內凹式合金防塵蓋,不鏽鋼單體框架
● 下方一顆10″被動式輔助低音單體,長衝程,內凹鋁合金防塵蓋,不鏽鋼單體框架,黑色音盆
● 低頻延伸: -6dB at 27 Hz
● 輸入介面: High Level Neutrik Speakon, Low Level single RCA, LFE RCA
● 擴大機: Class A/B, 300 watts (RMS)
● 尺寸: 370 x 340 x 393 mm
● 重量: 18.7 Kg
● 顏色: 鋼烤黑、鋼烤白 (高品質5層烤漆)


Product Features:

Serie T/9x: Bigger AND Better


The job of any range topper for REL is to deliver more of everything, particularly output and dynamics. The 9x is no different in this regard, as it delivers the goods in both music and theatre applications. 9x, however, delivers a level of intimacy, clarity and speed that means there are no longer trade-offs between the sonic balance of smaller models weighed against the power and scale of a model 9.

The all new 9x has even greater output than before, but the headline news is the way it sacrifices nothing in clarity and transparency to achieve this. At this price it opens the pathway for owners of high performance European floor and stand mounted monitors and smaller panel speakers to enjoy truly full range sound.

Reimagined, Then Reengineered


Many don’t realize the intense linkage between performance and design here at REL. Performance is everything to us and so it drives physical design revisions. Our engineers, recognizing the need for greater acoustic volume to achieve the goals of greater fluidity and power, turn to the designer who works dimensions to fool the eye into seeing a smaller, more compact footprint even though cabinet volume increases. Using gently rounded corner radii that allows the eye to flow over and see less visual mass. The result is both modern and familiar with no unnecessary adornment.

Outsized Performance


To achieve higher output with better control requires a complete overhaul of the suspension components. Much like the suspension on a sports car, these items are responsible for the tuning and feel of our designs. By increasing the cabinet volume, efficiency is improved yielding higher output for no more amplifier power. Less back pressure inside the cabinet means we can tune for a stiffer, better controlled driver suspension. We retained the best aspects of our previous design, such as the aluminum center cap responsible for stiffening the lightweight 10” (250mm) cone while adding almost no mass. The updated combination produces considerably better attack and dynamics with greater transparency.

Tried and True Amplifiers


We have retained our signature Class A/B amplifiers used in every generation of Serie T since 2006. Reliability is the key to happy ownership and with some 200,000 and counting of this range leading long happy lives, Serie T/x owners can feel certain of REL’s standard setting reliability. The powerful 300 watt mosfet amplifier used in the T/9x remains an icon with huge reserves of current, massive power supplies but small upgrades are found everywhere. New driver mosfets that open up performance and transparency and new methods for securing the toroidal transformers mean better performance and superior strength.

REL’s legendary High Level Input connection and fast filters are a significant part of the REL story. Connecting via the speaker outputs of your amplifier without drawing any power from it may seem like magic, but the real magic lies in the way the sound takes on a natural character. Unique tuning and special limiters means the T/x range sounds fresher, faster and more dynamic than before.

Standby Mode switch is only included on 220V units.

Wireless That Doesn't Compress the Sound


At REL, we’ve developed a sterling reputation for building the finest sounding, fastest wireless systems available in the industry. We never rely upon digital compression as it results in dull, lifeless sound. Instead, we have perfected an (optional) Arrow™ wireless system so fast and dynamic we’re comfortable encouraging the use of wireless on one channel of a pair of RELs while the other channel may be connected conventionally with cable.

