PMC Twenty5.26i Floorstanding Speakers (Pair)




PMC Twenty5-26i 座地式喇叭 PMC著名的twenty5系列在世界各地享譽五星評鑑,獲獎無數,並被What HiFi雜誌選為環繞音響系統的參照標準,也就是所有揚聲器的評鑑依據。twenty5i系列的揚聲器更是精益求精下的產物,i則代表了提升(improved)的意思。這個全新系列具備twenty5系列的所有優點,但提供更逼真、通透與高品質的音樂。 twenty5i系列具有更大的最佳鑑聽範圍,可以呈現更清晰立體的聲景。你首先就會注意到聲樂表現更為自然與真實,彷如置身於現場演出一般。 PMC的軟頂中頻單體享譽世界,而我們整個系列裡尺寸最大的twenty5.26i旗艦型即配有第三顆單體,專為至關重要的中頻所打造。在聲樂錄音的場合裡,關鍵的細節就是潛藏在中頻裡面。twenty5.26i三音路的設計確保每個重要頻段皆有專屬的單體,讓揚聲器得以駕馭最大的空間,並保持通透性與明晰性。這實在是一款出眾的揚聲器,能在您做系統升級的同時也跟著自我提升,襯托任何一種與之搭配的設備。 PMC is respected worldwide for its soft-dome mid-range drivers, and the flagship twenty5.26i, the largest in the range, features a third driver dedicated to the all-important mid frequencies, where the critical detail is to be found in vocal recordings. The three-way design ensures that each important frequency range has its own dedicated driver, so that the speaker can fill even the largest spaces with absolute transparency and clarity. This is a sublime speaker that can expand with you as you upgrade your system, and bring out the very best in whatever equipment you connect it to.
