PMC Twenty5.21i Bookshelf Speakers (Pair)




Twenty5.21i書架式喇叭 PMC著名的twenty5系列在世界各地享譽五星評鑑,獲獎無數,並被What HiFi雜誌選為環繞音響系統的參照標準,也就是所有揚聲器的評鑑依據。twenty5i系列的揚聲器更是精益求精下的產物,i則代表了提升(improved)的意思。這個全新系列具備twenty5系列的所有優點,但提供更逼真、通透與高品質的音樂。 twenty5i系列具有更大的最佳鑑聽範圍,可以呈現更清晰立體的聲景。你首先就會注意到聲樂表現更為自然與真實,彷如置身於現場演出一般。 Twenty5.21i是整個系列裡最小的型號,但它的聲音卻一點也不微弱,威力堪比大尺寸的音響。這都要歸功於PMC的Advanced Transmission Line技術。這款揚聲器適合搭配小型至中型的監聽環境,在空間難求的情況下,依然能夠獲得細緻的低頻,近乎逼真的中頻,以及精巧的高頻,達到最佳的音樂品質。twenty5.21i在配置上面具有極大彈性,不管是安裝在支架上還是擺放於書架上都沒有問題,同時也非常適合作為沉浸式音響系統的音效喇叭。 twenty5i系列具有更大、更和諧的最佳鑑聽範圍,呈現更清晰、銳利、生動與立體的聲景。 Although the twenty5.21i is the most compact model in the new range, there’s nothing small about the sound, which has the impact you’d expect from a much larger cabinet, thanks to PMC’s Advanced Transmission Line technology. The speaker is ideal for use in small-to-medium listening environments where space is at a premium, but where you still want detailed bass, ultra-realistic mids and delicate highs with maximum musicality. Equally happy mounted on a stand or a bookshelf, the twenty5.21i offers maximum flexibility for placement, and also makes an excellent choice for effects speakers in an immersive sound system.
