KEF LSX II Best all-in-Wireless Hifi System (Pair)




LSX II 無線HiFi音響系統 帶你進入High-Fidelity高保真聲音世界,體驗觸手可及的細膩音色。第二代升級版的LSX II突破細小音箱界限,為你帶來更自然真實的高解析音效。全方位支援不同音源,透過AirPlay 2、Chromecast、Spotify、Tidal等串流,或連接至手提電腦、電視等,享受高保真聲音,從未如此簡單。 *本店暫只提供碳黑及礦石白兩款顏色 EQ Settings: 可參考KEF官方介紹: LSX II received a recognizable design from the first generation, and the characteristics of the speaker remained unchanged. Higher performance of the system was achieved through the use of DSP and software from KEF LS50 II and LS60W. LSX II is a system that envelopes listeners in rich soundscapes for a completely immersive experience. The high-fidelity speakers brings the football stadium, movie theater, and concerts straight to your home. The LSX II improves upon the original LSX model, equipped with modern alterations and sleek design components completed by industrial designer Michael Young. The unit is enhanced by the W2 wireless platform, extensive connectivity options, the KEF app, and many different streaming sources – whether you are plugging into a laptop, TV, console, or turntable. The contemporary speaker’s high-fidelity audio is the result of over 60 years of KEF’s audio expertise. A specially formulated version of KEF’s 11th generation Uni-Q driver array assures that sound is spread evenly around the listener’s space and a high-tech Music Integrity Engine assures crystal clarity. The system even offers multi-room connectivity for an unrivaled sound experience. The LSX II’s compatibility with the KEF app allows users to control all settings with the touch of a screen, making the component completely customizable. Available in many different finishes, users can also pick whichever color suits their liking: Mineral White and Lava Red in matte or high-gloss, along with Cobalt Blue and Carbon Black adorned in a fabric designed by Danish textile designer Kvadrat. The last exclusive edition, The Soundwave by Terence Conran, is a special collaboration with the British designer, adorned with a “soundwave” pattern in his signature blue tone.


聲音表現 高保真音質

KEF 致力為不同大小的揚聲器帶來卓越聆聽體驗,LSX II 內置支援串流最高達 24bit/384kHz,每邊揚聲器內皆有專屬擴音機,提供同級最高質量的音質,讓更多音樂愛好者享受高保真聲音。


LSX II 為左右聲道分立的揚聲器組合,營造出渾然逼真的3D音場體驗,將你喜愛的歌曲原音重現,達到單聲道揚聲器無法比擬的境界。


LSX II 在第一代的基礎上進行了升級,擁有解析度更高、更平均的音質表現。其透過 Music Integrity Engine (MIE™)的專屬數碼音效處理技術進一步強化並精準調整。MIE為 Uni-Q 同軸共點單元進行了優化,確保每個音色更清晰、準確、平均。


Uni-Q ® 技術是 KEF 標誌性音效的重要基石。為了在 LSX II 中發揮其最佳效能,Uni-Q 驅動單元以單點音源拓寬「最佳聆聽區域」,使聲音更均勻地延展,讓每位聆聽者都能體驗自然真實、細膩清澈的聲音。

連線能力 暢遊音樂世界

LSX II 所使用的升級版 W2 無線平台確保您無論使用任何方式播放音樂,皆能輕鬆操作且原音重現。


音效在家庭娛樂體驗中扮演著重要角色,而 LSX II 透過高保真音效,將完整體驗提升到全新境界。LSX II 搭載各種有線與無線連接方式,是播放音樂、電視節目、電影、甚至是個人辦公室的最佳夥伴。


使用LSX II,您可以透過 HDMI ARC 連接電視,透過 USB-C 連接手提電腦,甚至黑膠唱盤、CD 播放器、或遊戲主機。如果想要為電影或音樂加上超強低音,還有專屬輸出孔可連接 KEF 超重低音揚聲器。


您可以透過 AirPlay 2、Chromecast 或 Roon 連接 LS 系列的無線音響系統(包括 LSX II、LS50 Wireless II 及 LS60 Wireless) ,讓音樂無所不在。舉辦派對時,即使身處屋內不同空間都能同時享受喜愛的音樂。

以使用者為核心 一手掌控所有功能

KEF Connect 應用程式能逐步引導您完成簡易設定,讓您輕易控制 LSX II 要播放的內容。LSX II適用於家中任何音源,還支援遠端韌體更新技術,將揚聲器繁瑣的升級步驟減至最少。


簡而精的 EQ 設定,讓您依據所在的空間環境或個人喜好來調整 LSX II。您唯一需要的可能只是一副捲尺。

設計 適合融入不同空間

LSX II 不但提供高保真音效,其纖巧的外型可輕鬆融入任何風格的空間。搭配專屬配件包括 S1 腳架、P1 桌上架、與 B1 掛牆架,您可以靈活地將揚聲器放在書架上、桌上、搭配腳架甚至掛在牆上。


LSX II 的設計處處都費盡心思,像是雅緻的控制背板、Uni-Q 驅動單元與反射孔的巧妙配色都帶有低調的設計元素。有五種飾面可供選擇:啞光緞面的礦石白、光面噴塗的熔岩紅、碳黑、鈷藍、及由 Terence Conran 設計的 Soundwave 特別版,外覆丹麥當代紡織品牌 Kvadrat 設計的織物。

由 Michael Young 設計

LSX II 美感設計出自工業設計指標人物 Michael Young 之手。Michael Young 以細膩表現的極簡主義手法聞名,其巧妙而簡約的美學,完美詮釋 LSX II 在外型與功能間的平衡之美。

Product Features:

•  Wireless streaming including Airplay 2, Chromecast, Bluetooth, WiFi
•  Plays all major music services and supports all major audio formats
•  DSD, MQA and PCM up to 24bit/384kHz
•  Comprehensive connectivity for your TV, laptop and any other equipment: USB-C, HDMI ARC, Analogue input, subwoofer output
•  11th Generation Uni-Q® driver array for accurate, pristine sound
•  Music Integrity Engine for rich, full-bodied sound
•  System power: LF 70W class D, HF 30W class D, Max. SPL:102dB
•  Intuitive on-boarding with user-centred features
•  Personalised listening experience via KEF Connect App
•  Design by Michael Young
•  Optimised cabinet design for best acoustic performance
•  Mounting inserts to secure on accessories including P1 desk pad, S1 floor stand and B1 wall bracket
•  Available in 2 finishes: Carbon Black, Mineral White
