


在家中度過的時間越來越多,一套可以令您身臨其境的音響系統變得比以往任何時候都更為重要。 KEF EGG DUO 完美音色 為您而起傾力打造的 EGG Duo 數碼音響系統,為迎合您各種音樂聆聽需要而設。時尚機身體積小巧,搭載多項先進音響技術,最適合用作欣賞音樂、電影、電視節目,甚或讓您追求緊張刺激的遊戲實感。此外,提供多達 5 款色彩斑斕的潮流造型可選,EGG Duo 絕對能讓您盡顯型格。 The Perfect Sound For You EGG Duo is the digital music system designed for how you listen. Compact, stylish and packed with advanced audio technology, EGG Duo is perfect for music, movies and TV, or for spicing up your gaming experience. Plus, with a choice of five fabulous color, it’s the ideal speaker for making a style statement.



EGG Duo 是您享受精彩絕倫音色的最佳方式,能以智能電話透過藍牙來串流播放 Spotify®、YouTube 或 直播影片,亦能提升任天堂 Switch™ 遊戲世界及最新 Netflix 電影的播放音質。

體積小巧 明快流暢的新型障板設計
這款揚聲器不但體積小巧,還能為您的音樂、電影與遊戲帶來動人悅耳的美妙聲音。創新障板明快流暢的新型障板設計,傳達EGG Duo視覺之美。 同時減少箱體振動,提高聲音細節和成像質量。

炫目色彩 由您主宰
低音輸出,全新障板設計,不設網罩,創新大膽外觀設計,擁有 Music Integrity Engine (提升低頻音效),讓 Uni-Q 同軸共點單元盡情散發扣人心弦的清澈聲音。這款精心打造的聲學工程傑作,以打破常規的型格設計令人留下深刻印象。此外,Z-Flex懸邊技術,取代傳統U型邊,採用新型導流槽結構。 實現中音盆錐和箱體擋板之間的平滑過渡,從而減低聲音失真。

無論您想怎麼玩樂,EGG Duo均可滿足所需。若您在創作 YouTube 及 直播影片時想要更佳的聲音監聽,或是經由 Spotify® 串流播放您最喜愛的音樂,又或與三五好友一起觀看 Netflix 電影,甚或一起享受任天堂 Switch™ 遊戲樂趣,EGG Duo 都可支援您所需的連接功能。

Product Features:
Wonderfully Versatile
Egg Duo is the perfect way to enjoy sensational sound. Simply use a mobile and Bluetooth to stream Spotify®, YouTube or TikTok, can even boost the audio performance of the latest Netflix or have a more intense gaming experience with your Nintendo Switch™

Small Size
A speaker not only compact, but also capable of delivering fantastic sound for your music, movies and gaming enjoying.

Your Speaker, Your Colour
EGG Duo’s grille-free design allows the single Uni-Q driver produce breathtakingly clear sound. But it also reveals this sensational piece of bespoke engineering in a bold design statement, Vibrant colour options ensure there is a look to reflect your lifestyle.

Connect Your World
EGG Duo has connectivity covered, no matter what you enjoy. If you create YouTube and TikTok content and want better sound monitoring, stream your favourite music via Spotify®, or want to sit back with friends to enjoy movies on Netflix or gaming sessions on your Nintendo Switch™, EGG Duo has the connectivity you need.
