免運費優惠條款 Free Delivery Services Terms & Conditions



送貨地區:香港 - 單次購物滿$2000(折扣後) - 每張訂單只限一次免費送貨服務 - 每張訂單只限一個送貨地點 - 離島及偏遠地區送貨安排及有關額外運費,請落單前先與店員確認 - 如訂單總金額少於$2000,客人可與店員查詢送貨費用或自行安排運輸取貨或親自到店內取貨。 Delivery within Hong Kong ( KIn , HK island , N.T. ) : - For any Single Purchase reaches / over HKD2000 ( after discount ) - Each order is limited to one free delivery service - Each order is limited to one delivery location within Hong Kong - For deliveries to outlying islands and remote areas , please contact our customer services to confirm the delivery arrangements and additional shipping costs before placing orders . * remote areas include Tai O , Cheung Chau , Po Lin Monastery , Shek Pik , Pui O , Cheung Sha , Tong Fuk , Shui Hau and Hong Kong International Airport etc - For Orders with order amount less than HKD2000, no free delivery services can be provided. Please check with our Customer Service for the delivery fee or self pick up the goods at our store.

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