audio-technica AT33EV Dual Moving Coil Cartridge



Audio Technica 聽出耳油嘅雙動圈立體聲唱頭 高硬度鋁合金針桿及橢圓形針尖唱針型格設計。達10Ω之低的中級阻抗指標唱頭。採用釹磁鐵結構以提高磁通能量並使用PCOCC感應線圈。高分離度的雙動圈線圈結構,能有更寬闊的頻響。左右線圈採用VC方式(倒V字型)設計,有效抑制多餘的震盪。以Hanenaito低彈性橡膠作墊板,可減低不需要的震動。 The new half-inch standard mount .3 x .7 mil elliptical AT33EV cartridge features a tapered duralumin cantilever. Dual Moving Coil cartridge design increases channel separation and extends the frequency response range delivering extraordinary audio quality. Internally constructed with neodymium magnet for enhanced magnetic energy and PCOCC wire for pure audio transmission.
