PMC Twenty5.22i Bookshelf Speakers (Pair)




PMC Twenty5 22i 書架式喇叭 PMC著名的twenty5系列在世界各地享譽五星評鑑,獲獎無數,並被What HiFi雜誌選為環繞音響系統的參照標準,也就是所有揚聲器的評鑑依據。twenty5i系列的揚聲器更是精益求精下的產物,i則代表了提升(improved)的意思。這個全新系列具備twenty5系列的所有優點,但提供更逼真、通透與高品質的音樂。 twenty5i系列具有更大的最佳鑑聽範圍,可以呈現更清晰立體的聲景。你首先就會注意到聲樂表現更為自然與真實,彷如置身於現場演出一般。 相較於21型,更堅實的twenty5.22i是設計給更大的空間使用,不過一樣可以安裝在精巧的專用支架上,擺放在傢俱櫃上,或放置於平坦表面。在它精瘦的外型底下,其實藏有狹長迴路的ATL™ 設計,再加上強勁的6.5吋g-weave精編振膜低音單體以及Laminair™ 出風口,讓揚聲器能傳送清晰、整齊和有力的低音,同時,透過新設計的軟頂高音單體,也能發出細緻的高音。雖然twenty5.22i的尺寸稍大,但仍無礙其展現靈敏、動感的聲音 The more substantial twenty5.22i is designed for use in larger spaces than the 21, and is equally at home on its dedicated stands, console furniture or other flat surfaces. Its still-trim dimensions belie the lengthy ATL™ concealed inside, which, coupled with the powerful 6.5-inch g-weave bass driver and Laminair™ vent, allow it to deliver a clean, uncluttered and powerful low-end, together with detailed highs from the newly designed soft-dome treble unit. Despite its increased size, its performance is agile and full of dynamism.

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