Mondo Freestyle On Ear Headphones




MONDO FREESTYLE HEADPHONE The great thing about retro-design is that, as a designer you get to choose just how retro you’re going to get. In this case Defunc got inspired by the immensely cool looks defined by the launch of the portable cassette player. Except for the looks though, Defunc Mondo obviously choose to use updated technology to deliver a rich sound experience for both listening and talking for a whole day. The great thing about Mondo retro-design is that you get to choose just how retro you’re going to get. Looks cool with using with a portable cassette player. 甜美的聲音和時尚復古的外觀, 設計元素與音樂傳統調情 耳機採用 36mm 動圈單元發聲,為了令耳機有更好的低音表現,而開發了一種獨特的結構,來防止聲音洩漏並控制低音,即使看似一個簡單的耳機,在聲學設計上亦花心思。即使機身輕巧,但一樣能享受低音的爽勁。隨 Freestyle 附送 2 款耳墊,無論你是喜歡 80’s 風格,還是想一嘗滿滿的復古調音,都不能錯過 MONDO ON-EAR FREESTYLE。

Product Details



36毫米單元, 輕量化的重低音


米灰、透明還是黑色?你可以選擇你想要的復古程度, 甜美的聲音和時尚的外觀, 復古又現代, 設計元素與音樂傳統調情

聲音更豐富,  輕巧小巧的設計 


規格: 藍牙5.3, USB-C 充電器, 電池容量:200mAh, 驅動器:Φ36 毫米, 雙麥克風, 電池使用時間:22H, 通話時間:20H, 具有ENC功能的麥克風, 播放時間:22小時, 充電時間:1.5小時, 靈敏度:105 DBSL, 頻率範圍:20Hz – 20kHz, HD解碼


Product Features:

Unique Acoustics for a Deeper Bass

36MM DRIVER, Heavy bass in a lightweight format

3 Appealing Colors

Greige, Transparent or Black? You get to choose just how retro you're going to get

Sweet sound and stylish look

RETRO, YET CONTEMPORARY, Design elements flirting with musical heritage

Richer Sound

LIGHT AND COMPACT DESIGN, MONDO on-ear is so lightweight you’ll forget you’re wearing it.



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