KEF LS-50 Meta Speaker with Metamaterial (Pair)




-8 ohm 85dB 100W 全球首款應用 Metamaterial 的揚聲器 LS50 Meta 應用了革命性技術,將純淨動人音色完全呈現,締造彷如置身現場的音效。配備 Metamaterial Absorption Technology 的第 12 代 Uni-Q 同軸共點單元,還原度更精準,體積小巧的 LS50 Meta 也能使房間的任何位置成為最佳聆聽位置。 The World's First Speakers with Metamaterial LS50 Meta is a highly precise, emotionally engaging loudspeaker built on revolutionary acoustic technology. Designed around the Uni-Q 12th Generation with Metamaterial Absorption Technology driver array, this solid, compact loudspeaker is capable of delivering detailed sound anywhere in the room.

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