Gold Note PH-5 Phono Preamp



【唱放入門升級之選】Gold Note PH-5操控方便、配搭靈活 Gold Note 是意大利品牌,主力出品唱頭、唱盤以及唱頭放大器、供電等器材,有不少黑膠用家擁躉。今次最新推出的 PH-5 屬於自家的入門唱頭放大器,繼承了收獲眾多好評的高階型號 PH-10 的核心技術,PH-5擁有您享受最佳黑膠唱片體驗所需的一切,是新一代唱機舞台。 The PH-5 is the newest in Gold Note’s range of phono stages, designed to deliver the same high quality and excellent performance that made the PH-10 and PH-1000 famous, with an affordable price and all the cutting-edge features that stands out our products. With a single RCA input, it can be connected to either MM or MC cartridges and offers an EQ curves selection (3, and each can be “Enhanced”), as well as the LOAD’s and GAIN’s adjustments (from 10Ω to 47kΩ) to guarantee the utmost flexibility and versatility, making it perfect for every kind of analogue system. The PH-5 is the first Gold Note product designed with a touchscreen interface: all the settings are easily accessible and changeable thanks to the innovative and unparalleled user-friendly display that allows you to select and manage all the options in real time while playing your music. The phono stage is based on a completely new design to integrate the whole electronics into a single board, unlike the PH-10 where the analog and digital stages are placed on dedicated boards. The digital interface is combined with a full analogue heart: indeed, the signal path is made through discrete audio-grade components and sealed single switches and it’s optimized to shorten the distance and minimize possible interference. Every setting selected through the touchscreen is applied to the audio signal switching its path through the usage of relays.

Product Details

▪️1 個立體聲 RCA 輸入、6 條均衡曲線(RIAA、DECCA-LONDON 和 AMERICAN COLUMBIA 得到改進)、▪️ 支援 MM 及 MC 兩種唱頭放大

The PH-5 features an “analogue purity” able to deliver superior audio quality and extract even the finest details from the vinyl record. The PH-5 allows a selection of the most appropriate equalization curve for each vinyl record, directly on the touch display: RIAA, DECCA LONDON, and AMERICAN COLUMBIA. Thanks to our proprietary technology inspired by Georg Neumann (the producer of the famous Neumann Disc Cutting Lathe), each curve can be “Enhanced” to extend the frequency response up to 50kHz, improving even further the stage, dynamics and resolution when required. To maximize the performance of the PH-5 we also developed the dedicated, external super inductive power supply that allows the phono stage to achieve its fullest potential, reaching an even higher degree of musical realism, better dynamics, and greater three dimensionality sound. Front Panel and Case: Brushed anodized aluminum - available in Black only.

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