Denon PMA-3000NE 2-channel 160W integrated amplifier with MM/MC phono stage




Denon 最新一代旗艦UHC-MOS綜合擴音, 以最簡潔的電路結構及更少的接線,實現更高音質! PMA-3000NE是一款內建數類轉換電路與唱頭放大的綜合擴音機。於日本設計及生產、它以最簡潔的電路結構及更少的接線,實現更高音質!PMA-3000NE將會取代2024年底停產嘅PMA-SX11及PMA-A110 兩款頂級機種。 PMA-3000NE特式: 在電路設計方面:採取對小信號敏感度很高的FET作為輸入級的放大元件,以差動單段放大電路做推挽輸出、直接驅動輸出級功率晶體,所以說PMA-3000NE功放電路僅兩級放大(輸入與輸出級)。 在輸出級方面:延續著Denon傳統:頂級機種使用UHC-MOS(超高電流MOSFET)功率晶體,就是因為電流輸出能力非常高。 在功放電路輸出部分方面:採用多層電路板、並且將原本兩塊電路板的電路合併在一塊,因此大幅減少了機內線的使用數量、尤其是在聲頻電路。在功放電路輸出部分的電路板銅箔厚度相較於PMA-A110增加一倍,使輸出阻抗更低。

Rincian Produk

The Denon PMA-3000NE delivers 160W per channel at 4 ohms and 80W per channel at 8 ohms, driving even the most demanding speaker to deliver superior sound in any scenario. Designed and manufactured at Denon facilities in Shirakawa, Japan.

  • 2 channels
  • 160 watts per channel
  • MM/MC phono stage
  • Ultra AL32 Processing
  • Optical, coaxial, and USB digital connections
  • Pure Analog mode

Audio excellence, redefined

With an advanced push-pull amplifier, sophisticated digital processing, and a robust phono stage, the PMA-3000NE delivers all of your favorite music with clarity and precision.

Drives even the most demanding speakers

A push-pull amplifier, delivering 80W/channel into 8 ohms and 160W/channel into 4 ohms, effortlessly accommodates a range of speaker types and impedances.

Seamlessly integrate high-resolution digital audio

Digital connections, including optical, coaxial, and USB-B, support up to 384kHz/32- bit. Ultra AL32 Processing waveform interpolation produces smooth, high-resolution sound.

Unlock your vinyl collection’s full potential

The PMA-3000NE's phono stage supports both MM and MC cartridges, for the most faithful sonic reproduction regardless of cartridge type.

Fidelity, form, and function

Advanced amplifier design

The PMA-3000NE delivers 80W/channel into 8 ohms and 160W/channel into 4 ohms. Its UHC-MOS single push-pull circuit and differential 2-stage amplifier drive demanding speakers with exceptional clarity and linearity.

Denon's Ultra AL32 Processing uses interpolation algorithms to produce highresolution output. Supporting input signals up to 384kHz/24-bit, it upsamples for smoother waveforms and improved sound reproduction.

The PMA-3000NE's phono stage supports both MM and MC cartridges for truest vinyl reproduction in any setup. A high-gain design and “simple and straight” circuitry minimize distortion for pure, detailed sound.

The PMA-3000NE’s versatile digital connections, including optical, coaxial, and USB Type B, support up to 384kHz/32-bit and 11.2MHz DSD audio.

Pure Analog mode bypasses digital circuitry for a pure, all-analog sound. A Source Direct function bypasses the tone controls so that the signal path is as short and clean as possible, for enhanced clarity.

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