Bel Canto C5i DAC Integrated Amplifier




The C5i Integrated Amplifier is simplicity and musicality in one compact chassis that controls all of your sources, is versatile, and easy to use. 是一部帶有DAC功能的合併機,高質素,機身大細非常適合香港居住環境使用,由Stream(串流機),DAC(解碼),甚至到前級和後級都有之兩聲道合拼機。 C5i的背板上各種接線端子比較多,但功能區間合理、清晰,除了模擬輸入、MM唱頭輸入外,還具有豐富的數碼輸入接口,包括兩組S/PDIF同軸和兩組TOSLINK光纖數碼輸入,還具有一組USB-B接口,方便用家連接電腦或手機做外置聲卡解碼播放使用。對應的規格方面,同軸和光纖數碼輸入支持24bit/192kHz的數字信號,而USB-B接口連接電腦或手機則支持24bit/96kHz母帶級音頻傳輸解碼。令人意想不到的是,一字排開的4個喇叭接線端子竟然使用德國WBT NextGen製品,其高品質確保最佳的信號連接質量。如此小巧的C5i功放,還內置了MM唱頭放大線路,時尚玩家從此可以數碼與黑膠兼收並蓄了。 另外,貼心的Bel Canto還設計了Line Out端子,想連接錄音設備也沒有問題。



  • 可以作為一部合拼機甚至前級,在機背位置可以看到琳琅滿目的輸入位置
  • 在數碼輸入位置可以使用USB , 光纖 , 同軸給信號到C5i作解碼之用
  • 利用USB可以接收到24 bit 96 KHz,而可以使用同軸或光纖均可以接收到24 bit
  • 訊號線輸入方面,有組輸入可以讓你的接駁CD機。而旁邊另外一組輸入為唱放(唱片放大器),還有一組訊號輸出留待給你日後認爲低音不足時,可以增添一個有源的超低音以作輔助


Product Features:

  • 5 Digital Inputs
  • Analog In/Line Out
  • MM Phono Stage
  • Quality Headphone Ouput
  • 24/96 USB1.1 Input
  • 24 Bit Volume Control
  • Remote Control
  • Available in Silver or Black Faceplate
  • HDR Core high dynamic resolution. HDR Core is the result of 20+ years of engineering to refine the digital to analog process, and is comprised of 3 major components: Low Noise and Ultra Low Noise Master Clocks, Advanced Asynchronous Interfaces, and Dual Mode Low-Noise High Efficiency Power Supplies. HDR Core technology is fundamental to every e.One DAC and Integrated product, creating the most realistic, open, and defined musical experience possible.
  • Built In Headphone Output. The dedicated low-impedance, high-output headphone amp circuit has been designed to drive high quality headphones with pristine clarity. You'll be amazed at the musical depth they bring to your headset.
  • Simple, Elegant Interface. Designed to be functional and simple, the dual-functioning one knob interface is a joy to use. The single 4 digit display works with it seamlessly to access all basic functions in a few clicks. The included 36 button infrared remote allows instant command functions and display editing.
