Arcam CDS50 SACD/CD Player



ARCAM CDS50 功能強大、多才多藝的網路串流 SACD / CD播放器 CDS50是一款功能強大、多才多藝的CD/SACD、數位音樂和網路串流播放器,擴展了高解析度音頻的數位領域。它支援播放幾乎所有碟片格式,包括SACD,以及多種音頻文件格式。通過本地串流,您的聆聽選擇是無限的。CDS50的高端設計結合高品質的32位元DAC,確保您無論選擇哪種格式都可以獲得卓越的聲音品質。 「全能型數位音樂訊源」,把「SACD/CD唱盤」與「串流播放機」二機合一,讓老玩家可以繼續聽CD與SACD,亦同時是時候可以玩串流了。 Arcam CDS50 SACD/CD Player Digital dynamo The CDS50 is Arcam's most advanced player to date. It's built around a superb 32-bit/192kHz ESS Sabre DAC that makes sure your music sounds its absolute best. You'll hear every nuance encoded in an SACD recording, and it plays nicely with CDs, CD-Rs and CD-RWs, too. Connect your computer to give your high-res files the royal treatment, or use the player's built-in Wi-Fi for convenient streaming. Convenient connections The CDS50 has more connections than we're used to seeing on a disc player, because it can do a lot more. There are standard balanced and unbalanced outputs, but there are also digital coaxial and digital optical inputs, because the DAC inside the chassis is so good, you'll want to run your other digital sources through it. You can also connect a flash drive or hard drive to the USB input, for even more storage and playback options.

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Product Features:

  • Plays all disc formats, including SACD, CD-A, CD-R and CD-RW
  • Supports audio file formats including FLAC, WAV, AIFF, OGG, MP3, AAC and WMA
  • USB input
  • Superb 32-bit DAC built in
  • Streaming through the music life app
  • Total harmonic distortion + noise = 0.002%



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