Aeron Pandora Audio Cube



我們所居住的環境會受到電磁場和光波的影響,這些電磁場和光波會影響我們聆聽聲音訊號的方式,並使環境在聽覺上變得不舒服。 20 多年來,感謝 MANRICO CASAGRANDE 和他的科學團隊在科學家們的重要研究基礎上,他們用創新的方法研究了聆聽環境中存在的所有電磁場和光波如何影響我們所聽音樂的質量,開發了能夠優化這方面的產品。某些類型的電磁場或光頻率或多或少的存在決定了感知到的音頻訊號的不同曲線。 我們的目標是透過恢復聲音的正確幾何形狀,讓聽眾以完美的線性感知音訊訊號。 Pandora 憑藉其特殊的製作工藝,能夠協調我們周圍的所有領域,讓聽眾在所有播放音量下都能以出色的線性度和極低的失真聆聽音樂。無論是透過揚聲器或耳機聆聽音響系統的音樂,或是聆聽現場音樂,都可以享受 Pandora 的優勢。 一個Pandora就已經帶來了立即令人愉快的結果。在有許多電氣和電子產品的環境中,使用兩個或多個Pandora進一步改善了結果。


The environments where we live are subject to electromagnetic fields and light waves that worsen the way we listen to any acoustic signal and make the environment acoustically uncomfortable.
For over 20 years Thanks to MANRICO CASAGRANDE with his scientific team on the basis of important studies by scientists who have studied with an innovative approach how all electromagnetic fields and light waves present in the listening environment influence the quality of the music we listen to, have developed the product capable of optimizing this aspect.
The presence of certain types of electromagnetic fields or light frequencies in greater or lesser quantities determines different curves of the perceived audio signal.

Our goal was to allow the listener to perceive the audio signal with perfect linearity by restoring the correct geometry of the sound.
The Pandora, thanks to its special production process, is able to harmonize all the fields around us allowing listeners to listen to music with excellent linearity and very low distortion at all playback volumes.
The advantages of Pandora can be enjoyed both when listening to music from a sound system with speakers or headphones, and when listening to live music.
A single Pandora already brings immediately enjoyable results. In environments where there are many electrical and electronic products, the use of two or more Pandoras further improved the result.
